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Equality & Diversity

The Lambeth Safeguarding Children Partnership is committed to ensuring that all our activities are underpinned by a commitment to eliminate all forms of discrimination.  


All children have the right to a childhood free from discrimination and the right to be given every opportunity to develop their full potential.

Lambeth is a multicultural borough and we recognise that there are areas of inequality that need to be addressed. The Lambeth Equality Commission is tasked with identifying the scale of inequality in the borough - and setting out what we can all do to tackle it.  Visit the Lambeth Equality Commission webpage for more information. 


Below, you will find information, resources and links to sources of support around issues of equality and diversity for children and young people.  

Resources & Support

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Understanding the lived experiences of black and ethnic minority children and families

A briefing from Research in Practice and others that focusses on black and ethnic minority children as these groups of children are over-represented in children’s social work, but have unique issues as a result of various marginalised identities.

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Parents & Carers Guide to

Black Lives Matter



Many children may have questions about the images, stories, and conversations they hear on the news and around them. This guide provides helpful resources, activities and tips for families to empower children to work towards racial equality. 

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