LSCP Trauma Informed Champions
The LSCP has commissioned and worked in partnership with Project 507, a small specialist organisation specialising in transformation of systems that generate violence and perpetuate cycles of trauma. Together, we have created and launched a trauma-informed and anti-racist practice training programme and trained 24 Trauma Champions across all partner agencies. Together, we will cascade this learning throughout the Borough.
The Trauma Informed Champions build capacity of leaders and practitioners to adopt anti-oppressive and trauma informed principles at the heart of their practices, empowering them to identify and tackle structural issues leading to a more trauma responsive borough.
Meet our Champion Trainers from partner agencies who have successfully completed training and will each contribute to the drive for a change to our policies and practices to ensure that our borough is trauma-informed and anti-racist.

Training & Development Manager
Kersha leads on developing and disseminating learning from local and national safeguarding reviews into the LSCP safeguarding training. All LSCP learning events bring together professionals across Children's Services, Health, Police, the voluntary and community sector, and other agencies that work with children and young people in Lambeth. ​
Kersha Clarke
Lambeth Safeguarding Children Partnership (LSCP)

The Welfare Service provides extensive welfare, wellbeing and safeguarding support for 19+ students for the duration of their course and offers each and every student tailored support, ensuring that students are provided with resources, advice and guidance so that they can make informed decisions.
Gina Mensah
Lambeth College –LSBU Group

LEAP Domestic Violence Project - Workforce Development Coordinator
020 7926 6672
Erika leads on the development & implementation of tailored support packages to agencies and practitioners to improve response to VAWG including supporting, bespoke training and advice, audits and development of policies and procedures, building relationships and networks with key partners and agencies.
Erika Pavely
Lambeth Council
LEAP Domestic Violence

Ewa offers safeguarding, supervision and trauma informed support to Foster Carers to enable them develop skills and knowledge base, through training and discussions, to enhance their capacity to provide looked after children and young people with safe and secure base to grow and develop.
Ewa Religa
Lambeth Council - Fostering Team

Occupational Therapist in Mental Health Liaison, GSTT
07792400691 Bleep 0650
Hannah is a Specialist Mental Health Occupational Therapist and works across Guys & St Thomas Hospital sites with services users who present with mental health crisis or ongoing need, as well as providing training and awareness for Acute Trust colleagues across all disciplines.
Hannah Nice
South London & Maudsley NHS Foundation TrustÂ

Assistant Headteacher for Inclusion, Deputy Designated Safeguarding, Mental Health and Autism Base Lead
0207 622 3985
Nicola's role includes overseeing SEND across school, mental health and well-being, behaviour, attendance and safeguarding.
Nicola Harris
Allen Edwards Primary School

Jayne has responsibility for Inclusion, Mental Health lead, and DSL across the primary and secondary phases.
Jayne Kumi
Woodmansterne School

Carole leads a team of 6 trauma nurses who oversee the entire pathway of the injured trauma patients. We work closely with adult and child safeguarding and especially our youth workers  and all specialties within the major trauma center to ensure that the patient is looked after physiologically and psychologically.
Carole Olding
King’s College Hospital

Senior Safeguarding Nurse Specialist - Acute Safeguarding Children Team
02071887188 (ext. 56237)
Bethan Morris
Guy’s & St Thomas Hospital / Evelina London Children’s Hospital

Penny works with the Principal Social Work Team with an oversight of improving practice across the service and ensuring that social workers are equipped to support children and families.
Penny McGee
London Borough of Lambeth

Divert team work with young and first time entrants in the criminal justice system to capture incidents as ‘teachable’ moment in their lives.
Ian provides extra layer of support, focusing interventions on the family of the young person (siblings and parents) using a whole family approach.