A Carer's Guide to Home Fire SafetyÂ
‘A Carer's Guide to Home Fire Safety’ developed by the Community Safety Care, Health and Safeguarding team at the London Fire Brigade.
This video related video can be found on the London Fire Brigade website at -
(Please note that you will need to complete a registration form to access to the video and choose between a formal and informal carer option on the form. If you select the formal option you will be asked for your details (job role, employer, and the borough/s) and then given a choice to opt in for future contact from the LFB.)
The video aims to reduce fire risk and improve outcomes for people in receipt of care. The video will support those who provide a caring role in any capacity to identify fire risks that can be present in people’s own homes, and shows them what they can do to recognise and address risks.

How to protect sensitive information on the EMIS system
More Resources & Support
Child Safeguarding Toolkit for GPs
Use the RCGP's Child Safeguarding Toolkit for helpful tools and resources.

GP Guide: Recording Safeguarding Concerns
Download this useful guide for documenting safeguarding concerns and correspondence within GP Medical Records, by Dr Alison Davidson, Lambeth's Named GP for Safeguarding.