Do You Need Advice or Support?
All children and young people have the right to be safe in all environments, for example, at home, school, on the street, and on the internet. It is the role of parents, carers, teachers, learning mentors, doctors, nurses, social workers, police officers, faith leaders and sports coaches to ensure that you are safe from harm.
If something is worrying you or making you scared and you're not sure if it is abuse, it's important to talk to someone you trust.
If you’ve got a problem or are worried about someone, such as a brother or sister, parent or a friend, it can be hard to know what to do. But you don’t have to cope on your own. As a child or young person, you have the right to grow up safe from people hurting you or failing to ensure that you are cared for. All adults have a responsibility to protect you.
You can also provide information about crime or abuse without giving your name or any personal details.
Use the resources below to meet your need and never be afraid to speak up!

Free & Confidential Space offers useful advice and information for young people and provides a safe place to give information about crime - 100% anonymously. Check out and use their resources on issues such as county lines, weapons, etc.
Why call Childline?

Education guide for 16+, to help you decide on your future; think through your post-16 options and what learning pathways to pursue.
Use My Best Life App to connect with activities and providers in your area!

FREE Elevate Programme
Supporting young people aged 16-21 who are / or at risk of becoming NEET in Wandsworth, Lambeth and Southwark with career opportunities in STEM and one-to-one business coaching for aspiring entrepreneurs, as well as emotional and mental well-being support. Visit website.

Childhood Abuse Support
The NAPAC organisation caters for young survivors of abuse and those that care for them.
Adults/teachers/ social workers can read more from this booklet