1 September 2023
Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023
KCSIE 2023 is now in use for all staff working in education.
Lambeth Education Safeguarding recommend all DSLs and school/college staff read KCSIE 2023 in its entirety.
4 October 2021
Free Programme of Training on Child Exploitation
The 11th-15th October sees a week full of free learning sessions on tackling child exploitation and harm. The sessions are facilitated by The Children's Society and partners and delivered free via Microsoft Teams. Download the timetable for links to the Eventbrite booking page for each event, where tickets can be booked. Spaces are limited so sign up soon!
14 September 2021
Guidance on Working with Interpreters
Following learning from recent Rapid and Child Safeguarding practice Reviews, we've created a handy guide to support professionals in working with families with no shared language. The guide sets out simple tips, with links to useful resources and videos. Click here to check it out.

9 April 2021
Multi-agency FGM Audit Report
Following a multi-agency audit of six cases of girls and young women referred for support around FGM, the partnership has made four recommendations which have been turned into actions. You can find the report, and Lambeth's guidance on FGM on our dedicated information page here. ​
1 December 2020
Could you lead a child safeguarding practice review?Â
We are looking for researchers, academics and organisations to help us independently review our efforts to safeguard children and young people.
We are currently commissioning a Local Child Safeguarding Practice Review. Could you be the independent reviewer to help us improve practice?

2 October 2022
Domestic Abuse Statutory Guidance
The government has now published the finalised statutory guidance on Domestic Abuse under the Domestic Abuse Act 2021.

21 September 2021
National Review: Non-accidental Injuries in Babies
The national Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel has published its 3rd national safeguarding review. The review explores serious incidents involving babies aged under one who have been tragically harmed or killed by their fathers or other males in a caring role. Click here to read the full report.
27 July 2021
Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse
The report of the Independent Inquiry Panel into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA) chaired by Professor Alexis Jay OBE has been published.
For more information and Lambeth Council's response, visit the Council's information page. Full report of the enquiry can be viewed here.
31 May 2021
Schools Guidance: Managing Harmful Sexual Behaviour
This guidance aims to support schools in Lambeth to respond to any concerns of inappropriate and harmful sexual behaviours displayed by children or young people. Developed by professionals from Lambeth Education & Health Services, the guidance includes referral pathways, risk assessment & safety planning tools.
Visit our pages on Harmful Sexual Behaviour for more information.
21 October 2020
Culturally competent responses to youth violence
In September, Power The Fight published the Therapeutic Intervention for Peace
report. Commissioned by the Mayor of London’s Violence Reduction Unit, the report aims to evidence the experiences of young people, families and practitioners in order to improve the effectiveness of therapeutic responses to violence affecting young people in London. Download here
4 October 2021
Become a Carer for teenage children.Â
Want to make a difference?
Lambeth’s Fostering Team need more carers for teenage children. If you have a
spare room and are committed to helping young people succeed, don't miss this opportunity to find out more!
Register for the Online Information Evening taking place on 14 October at 7pm. Make a difference!
#LambethFostering #WhyWeCare #Fostering
20 September 2021
Guide: support a family to register with a GP
GPs play a vital role in safeguarding children. Check out this two-minute video where Lambeth's Named GP for Safeguarding, Dr Alison Davidson, explains how easy it is to support a family to register with a GP.
1 July 2021
Multi-agency Staff Survey: Peer-on-peer Sexual Abuse and Harmful Sexual Behaviour
The LSCP is conducting a survey to explore staff knowledge and confidence in identifying and responding to concerns of peer-on-peer sexual harassment and harmful sexual behaviour. Whether you work with Lambeth local authority, healthcare, law enforcement or education, this survey will apply to you.
Visit our webpage for more information on HSB.
Complete the survey!
14 January 2020
Domestic Abuse support -Â
Ask for ANI at a pharmacy
People at risk of domestic abuse during the coronavirus lockdown can seek help discreetly by giving a code word "Ani" to pharmacists, under a UK-wide scheme launched by ministers.
If someone asks for “Ani” at one of the participating pharmacies, they will be given the chance to go to a private space to talk, to see if they need help from police or other services.
Visit the Home Office for the training toolkit for pharmacies
17 September 2020
NSPCC Briefing: Impact of pandemic on child welfare: physical abuse
Since the stay-at-home guidance was issued, Childline has seen a 22 per cent increase in the number of counselling sessions about physical abuse. Download this briefing from NSPCC which highlights the impact if this physical abuse on children & young people during the pandemic.