All reports published pre-September 2019 publications were done as the Lambeth Safeguarding Children Board
Early Years & Safeguarding
Model Policies
These model policies have been formulated in accordance with the Statutory Guidance for Early Years, with national and local safeguarding procedural guidelines.
Model policies have been formulated in accordance with the Statutory Guidance for Early Years and with national and local safeguarding procedural guidelines.
You can access them using the links below -
University of Bedfordshire - Building Safety Report
A snapshot of the consequences of risk can be seen just in the 10 months where two boys were tragically killed, eighteen children and young people were seriously injured with a weapon.
Key themes:
Contextual safeguarding
Safeguarding black boys & young men
Professional difference
Lambeth's Multi-Agency Arrangements to Safeguard Children
The Lambeth Safeguarding Children Partnership (LSCP) brings together a range of statutory and voluntary organisations working with and for children and young people in Lambeth.
​We are all united in a common goal: for every child to realise their talents, achieve their full potential, have healthy lives and be safe.
Our approach to the way we work and the related partnership arrangements can be downloaded using the button below.
Multi-agency Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) Audit
A multiagency audit of six cases of girls and young women who had experienced, or were considered at risk, of experiencing Female Genital Mutilation (FGM).
Key themes:
Signposting to local specialist support
Mandatory reporting duty
Embed multiagency communication​
Lambeth Multi-Agency
Pre-Birth Protocol
This guidance provides a framework for multi-agency working, to ensure a clear system is in place to respond to concerns for the welfare of an unborn child and/or where there may be post-birth concerns.
To make a referral - download and complete the Brighter Beginnings Referral Form.
Key themes:
Safeguarding unborn children
Agency roles and responsibilities
Pre-birth assessments
Child Dawit Safeguarding Practice Review Report
In May 2021, 16-year-old “Dawit” was found by his younger brother hanged in the building in which he resided - suspended by a rope. There was no suspicion of 3rd party involvement.
Key themes:
Unaccompanied children arriving in the UK and parental responsibility