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How we are organised

Executive Group

The Executive is made up of three statutory partners from the Local Authority, Police, Integrated Care Board and the Independent Chair and Scrutineer. 


Executive Membership & TOR (TBC)​​​



Sub-groups & meeting dates

Our Sub-groups report regularly to the Executive and bring together a range of statutory and community organisations to tackle the following: 


â—¾   Performance Challenge Impact (PCI

â—¾   Case Review Sub-group (CRSG)​

â—¾   Serious Incident Notification (SIN)

â—¾   Learning and Improvement (LI)

​Other subgroups TBC

[Click on a sub-group to access the group's

Terms of Reference and meeting dates]

Independent Scrutiny

The LSCP Independent Scrutineer provides constructive challenge and oversight to all of our work. This helps the partnership to reflect on and continuously improve practice. Please click below for more information on how the Independent Scrutineer works. 


Induction for Executive members and subgroup Chairs

The LSCP induction pack serves as a reference document for newly appointed Executive members and subgroup chairs and reflects the Partnership’s commitment to adhere to statutory working arrangements and professional safeguarding standards. 

Annual Reports

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